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  • Transnational Institute - TNI | Países Bajos

The meaning of land in Myanmar

Jennifer Franco. Hannah Twomey. Khu Khu Ju. Pietje Vervest. Tom Kramer. [Autores]
"Land is like our vein; it is vital for our living. After our land was confiscated, we don’t know what to do for our livelihood," says a farmer from Kachin State in Myanmar. Today many inhabitants of rural communities in Myanmar live under threat of losing their lands in a battle for resources spurred by ethnic conflict, exploitative land laws, and powerful economic actors. The existence of a legal right to the land does not translate into that right being respected in practice, and people across the country are now working to protect their right to the land.

Institución: Transnational Institute - TNI | Países Bajos
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  • ISBN:--
  • Editorial/es:TNI
  • Ciudad de edición:Amsterdam
  • País:Países Bajos
  • Fecha de publicación:Noviembre de 2015

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