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  • Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals - IBEI | España

The Evolution of the European Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications

Johannes M. Bauer [Autor]
The paper reviews the historical transformation of the European regulatory framework for electronic communications from the era dominated by state-owned enterprises to the presence of regulated competition offering a political-economic explanation for these and assessing their effects on the performance of the European electronic communications sector and the economy. From this analysis, the European model emerges as a unique institutional arrangement with peculiar advantages and disadvantages. Once these are recognized, sensible next steps to build the strengths while avoiding the weaknesses of the model can be seen more clearly.

Institución: Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals - IBEI | España
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  • ISBN:1886-2802
  • Editorial/es:IBEI
  • Ciudad de edición:Barcelona
  • País:España
  • Fecha de publicación:Diciembre de 2013