- Cátedra de Relaciones Internacionales e intersocietales, Foro Latinoamericano. Universidad de Kassel - UniKassel | Alemania
Colombia: compromise or containment? National state transformation and the formulation of nationhood
This working paper will focus on Colombia, analysing the reconfigurations of the national state as expressed most particularly through the emergence of the Uribe Government in 2002 and the way this administration illustrates both a continuation of a process of structural change within the Colombian state as well as the embodiment of key political, ideological and institutional divergencies. Specifically, the paper will examine the principle projects associated with this regime and the multifarious ties they have to, in general, neoliberalism, and in particular, US policies.
Institución: Cátedra de Relaciones Internacionales e intersocietales, Foro Latinoamericano. Universidad de Kassel - UniKassel | Alemania
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Institución: Cátedra de Relaciones Internacionales e intersocietales, Foro Latinoamericano. Universidad de Kassel - UniKassel | Alemania
Para más información o adquirir la publicación cliquee aquí
- ISBN:1863-0928
- Editorial/es:Universität Kassel
- Ciudad de edición:Kassel
- País:Alemania