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  • Centro de Estudios Históricos de Estado, Política y Cultura. Facultad de Humanidades. Universidad Nacional del Comahue - CEHEPYC/UNCOMA | Argentina

Politics and power in Neuquén, Argentina (1958 – 1999)

Orietta Favaro. [Autor]
History goes through new spaces renewing its proposals, reviewing concepts, and creating new and more rigorous instruments of understanding and with the participation of other areas of knowledge. In this complex and dense territory, our intention is to approach some considerations about the shapes that politics and power formation acquire in a peripheral, Mediterranean Argentine province and that is lately introduced in the capitalistic development : Neuquén2. The period that is presented here goes from the moment Neuquén is converted into province in 1958 and the 90´s, in which the accumulation regime is defined in the country, and the local state must readjust its relations with politics, society, and economy due to the crack of the welfare policy that is extended for two decades.

Institución: Centro de Estudios Históricos de Estado, Política y Cultura. Facultad de Humanidades. Universidad Nacional del Comahue - CEHEPYC/UNCOMA | Argentina
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  • ISBN:--
  • Editorial/es:CEHEPyC
  • Ciudad de edición:Neuquén
  • País:Argentina

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