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  • Escuela de Política y Gobierno. Universidad Nacional de San Martín - EPyG/UNSAM | Argentina

The power of governors

Conceptualization, measurement, and comparative analysis for Argentina and Brazil

Lucas González. [Autor]
Governors are relevant actors in most democratic federations and even in some unitarian states. Politically, they are elected officials who have varying degrees of power over regional branches of national parties (or regional parties), politicians, bureaucracies, and public funds. Administratively, and despite variations across cases, a growing percentage of governors deliver essential functions such as basic health and primary education. In the US, governors have historically being powerful actors in the federal political arena and the most visible figures in state politics. They have also increased their policymaking responsibilities across time, especially in education, welfare, and health programs.

Institución: Escuela de Política y Gobierno. Universidad Nacional de San Martín - EPyG/UNSAM | Argentina
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  • ISBN:978-987-1435-60-9
  • Editorial/es:UNSAM EDITA/Universidad Nacional de General San Martín
  • Ciudad de edición:Buenos Aires
  • País:Argentina

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