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  • Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, El Salvador - FLACSO | El Salvador

Globalization of the periphery

The challenges of transnational migration for local development in Central America

Claudia Marina Silva Avalos. Katharine Andrade-Eekhoff. [Autores]
According to the 1992 national census, the municipality San Antonio Pajonal, in Western El Salvador had a population of approximate 3,800 at that time. The mayor estimates that 80% of the registered voters in the municipality currently live in Los Angeles. The mayor of San Sebastian in Central El Salvador considers that the hometown association in Los Angeles, California is a second city council with which he can work in order to bring water, education and other basic infrastructure projects to the population. The Garifuna communities along the Atlantic cost of Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua have established strong cultural links among their communities that also include migrants in Brooklyn, New York and Los Angeles, California. And the graffiti of youth gangs born in Los Angeles, such as the Mara Salvatrucha (MS) or 18 th Street, can be found in cities and small towns in southern México, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador.

Institución: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, El Salvador - FLACSO | El Salvador
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  • ISBN:--
  • Editorial/es:FLACSO El Salvador
  • Ciudad de edición:San Salvador
  • País:El Salvador
  • Fecha de publicación:Abril de 2003

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